Telling me now ____how could you say!!___ " you not be known" ___telling me why??___ ___you put me down ……… __you leave me alone…. _you block my phone___ ___on your heart…._ broking my crown.. my eyes now are stopping cry….. my brain always saying why…. ______ i cant be slow…… to end this love……. that not be grow there are no dove.. """"""" so i am saying ________________ |
هل أنت من أعضاء الجيل الذهبي بمدرستي ؟
تفضل ادخل الموضوع…54#post2098254
function showSpoiler(block) { =”block”; block.parentNode.removeChild(block); }
فـــديـــت مغـناـطـيـسـي